Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Refreshing Honesty

On Friday a jury of their peers found two professional racists not guilty of racial incitement and we all stirred in amazement at the right to free speech extended to it's regretable limits. Nick Griffin really did look a picture with his entourage he must be relieved to be free to speak another day.

Then on Saturday Mick Newell, a man known for his inability to cow down to towing the "football people" line treated us to his further thoughts on the matter of sexual politics. The assistant referee in his side's ding dong battle with QPR was a woman and her presence obviously left him unable to function in his usual way.

In his condemnation of the official he didn't point to any misdemeanours or omissions he seemed merely vexed by the nature of her sex.

Two days later Newell had the class to make his spologies and set the record straight