Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final Score - who's winning mate?

In Huyton, the Cricket Club is an oasis in the midst of a "Beirut-style" shopping and living situation.  It was in the 70's any way and current reports suggest that things have improved none. In those days of yore, I used to play there and was always amazed when asked by the Kids watching "Who's winning Mate?". Because the Cricket system dictates that the winner can only be declared at the end of the contest, it was an impossible question to answer.  Needless to say I always answered Huyton. It was rarely the truth but it fostered a sense of civic pride.  Huyton is a famous place.  Bleasedale, Reid, Gerrard...... Barton - okay 3 out of 4 isn't bad.

Fast forward from those halcyon days to yesterday's Final Score on the red button and BBC HD.  Mark Chapman was in the chair ably abetted by Dion Dublin and Matt Holland. A combination that could only be bettered with Yorath replacing Chapman.  Mark Chapman is a nice enough bloke. Manchester Grammar, BBC, blokey nickname "Chappers" it's all there. He just has the tendency to lapse into punditry.  Heck Mark, you're supposed to ask the experts the dumb questions that make them look insightful and smart.  Yesterday when Wolves were trailing to a rampant Swansea, Chappers proffered the opinion that Wolves were a disgrace and the travelling fans would feel let down. "Who's winning mate?".

Terry Connor by all accounts, a good football man, must have "skyplussed" and play the piece to the lads in the dressing room for the Half Time team talk. In the second half Wolves played like men possessed.  Clawed their way back to draw 4-4 - some achievement.  Chapman ate his words graciously during the "Lazarus Like " comeback and the post match interviewer asked Terry Connor if he felt the Wolves could have won the game. Terry suggested the "could" should have been  a "should".  

And the moral of this story? I'll let you decide.  

Good Luck next season Terry. If there is any justice you'll be given the job of bringing Wolves back.  Perhaps out of the glare of  Premier League media scrutiny you can prove to be a great manager, be given time to develop a more robust team and reap the rewards of a lifetime in the game you so clearly love.

Who's winning mate?

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